Our Holiday Card: Tacky Presents to Treasured Traditions

We thought a fun way to get into the holiday spirit and ring in the new year would be to ask our staff here at Xyleme to answer a few holiday related questions.

Our team is made up of some of the most dedicated, hard-working people you'll ever meet and they love our customers!

Why do you love our customers?

"They are truly our partners, they give us access to their time, the same way we give them access to ours."
"Our customers are some of the most innovative people in the learning industry. They continue to challenge status quo to drive powerful business results."
"Their passion to support their organizations needs."
So many to list, we ran out of room!

“I share the same passion as them, which is training. It’s fun to see the brainstorming, and expertise that some of them have in this area to grow and educate those in their own organization!”

“Every customer is unique, creative in different ways, and usually wicked smart!”

“Our customers are literally the best. They are great partners and work collaboratively to help enhance our offerings.”

What is the worst holiday gift you’ve ever received?

"A roof rack that didn't fit my car!"
"Expired proscuitto."
"A vacuum (granted I needed it!)."
The responses we got were so good, we couldn't resist sharing a few more!

“A knit-cap (beanie) with a bluetooth speaker in it (who thought that was a good idea?!?).”


“A tacky, poorly hand-painted, ceramic dish made it’s way to us, we re-gift it every year to a different family member, this has been going on for decades. It’s become the best, worst gift!”

Are you an early or last-minute shopper?

Just slightly over half of our team answered that they pride themselves on getting their shopping done early!

What is the best holiday gift you’ve ever received?

"I'd say my best holiday gift is having my family all in one place, at least for one day!"
"An original Nintendo when I was a kid."
industry solutions
"New SCUBA gear and the never ending love from my family."
These just warmed our hearts!

“Snowboard and I’ve loved riding ever since.”

“My favorite gift I have ever received is a book of photos from when I was younger. Being the youngest in my family, I never found any pictures of myself. Recently my parents decided to get some film they had never developed and developed them. Turns out there were hundreds of pictures I had never seen before. I got to see and share glimpse of my childhood.”

“Trip to the Galapagos!”

State three words to describe the year 2022

Do you have any New Year’s Eve traditions?

"After I ring in the new year with who I'm with, I always take a couple minutes to FaceTime my family members and wish them a Happy New Year!"
"Going skiing and watching college football."
"We hang out with our best friends on New Year's Eve and play games. Then we get up the next morning and grill steaks and have brunch, and play games and hang out on New Years day."
From our families to yours, have a wonderful holiday season! We hope that this time of year brings you warmth and joy, whether you're spending it with your family or friends, or just sitting on the couch watching some of your favorite movies.

We wish you all the best in 2023!

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