Content Disruption is Coming — Are You Ready?

Despite major advancements in technology in recent years, the way organizations create content has not changed much in the past decade.

But on-demand personalized and curated learning and training information will soon become a requirement for the content consumer, just as it has in marketing and customer communications.

The entire process of creating learning and training content is poised for major upheaval and disruption.

“People simply do not have as much time as they’d like to learn in a formal way, so this informal 'in the flow’ of work' is just necessary for success.”

With on-the-job time shrinking and remote work gaining steam, customers and employees are pressed for time.

Recent events have accelerated distributed and remote workforces all around the globe, causing organizations to re-think and re-imagine ways of delivery.

Making this shift and tackling content disruption isn’t easy, but organizations that do it successfully will gain a huge advantage in the marketplace.

Read our latest article on Content Disruption to learn how your organization can get ahead of the curve and position yourselves for success in the newly emerging learning, training and education content landscape.

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