Don’t Wait — Your AI Journey Starts Now

Take action now instead of waiting for the perfect time. It's crucial to assess your current capabilities and identify any potential barriers to implementing your AI strategy.

It can be challenging to differentiate between real AI capabilities and mere hype. Some organizations are choosing to wait and let the dust settle. Although waiting for clarity can be a practical approach, it’s imperative to evaluate your current capabilities and recognize any visible obstacles that could impede the execution of your AI strategy.

As an expecting parent, for example, there are a lot of unknowns. Instead of sitting back for those answers to be uncovered, taking action on getting the basics in place (a crib, car seat, and diapers) are foundational preparation. Just like with AI, organizations must determine what foundational capabilities are missing now to enable a robust AI strategy.

Strong Content and Data Management are Foundational Capabilities to Drive your AI Strategy

Content and data management has often been an overlooked (or deferred) piece of the learning ecosystem, but it is now about to take center stage in your AI strategy. AI will not only expose but also amplify your current content management issues. If you aren’t sure if you have a content problem, check our blog on content chaos to find out. 

The bad news is that AI is only going to increase your current content chaos! The good news is you still have time to invest now to catch up to your peers and be ready to take advantage of the AI revolution.

Content is Data and Data is the Fuel for AI

In the age of AI, data is fuel. AI is driven by data and is only as good as the data you feed into it— garbage in/garbage out still applies. AI must be trained on data, lots and lots of data. Your content is data! General purpose Large Language Models like GPT4 or Claude3 are powerful, but are only privy to information in the public domain, they don’t know anything about your proprietary policies, procedures, or processes. 

AI can’t answer a question about your product go-to-market messaging, and it can’t tell you how to troubleshoot your internal business systems. In order to do that, AI would need to have access to your proprietary information and that is something every organization is trying to prevent.  

In fact, many organizations are busy creating their own secure versions of the publicly available models to protect their intellectual property and proprietary information.  They are extending and fine-tuning the base models to work with their proprietary content.  Ultimately, the success of these projects and the power of AI within your organization will depend upon the quality of the data (aka the content) you feed it.

Your learning and technical content is a gold mine
of data—if it is well managed

This is great news for content creation teams because organizations are sitting on a gold mine of data. Your learning, technical, and knowledge content is the fuel needed to feed the organization’s AI engine. But to make this gold mine of content readily available and properly controlled, you must invest in content management now—it’s not too late! While AI is quickly evolving and sometimes it seems there are more questions than answers, one thing is clear— content management plays a vital role in your AI strategy.

Many organizations are looking at Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) as the answer to fueling their internal proprietary AI strategy. Good content and data management will be critical to supporting a successful RAG strategy

Amazon Web Services defines Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) as the process of optimizing the output of a large language model, so it references an authoritative knowledge base outside of its training data sources before generating a response. Large Language Models (LLMs) are trained on vast volumes of data and use billions of parameters to generate original output for tasks like answering questions, translating languages, and completing sentences. RAG extends the already powerful capabilities of LLMs to specific domains or an organization’s internal knowledge base, all without the need to retrain the model. It is a cost-effective approach to improving LLM output so it remains relevant, accurate, and useful in various contexts.

> read more

Here is a checklist of some key content management questions to help you determine if your content is ready to support a RAG solution:
Source of Truth:

Do you have a single content repository where all your learning and technical content resides that can act as a single source of truth?

You will need a trusted centralized content repository to support your AI RAG strategy.

Structured Content:

Is your content well-structured to help AI derive semantic meaning from your content?

Semantically rich content is rocket fuel to AI.


Is your content classified with metadata (information about information) to help describe the purpose and intended audience?

AI can aid in tagging content and tagged content will speed up AI retrieval and increase relevance of responses.


Do you have good content lifecycle management to ensure outdated content is archived from your content repository? Can you run reports to see when the content was last updated?

Tracking reviews and approvals is key to AI success— garbage in/garbage out applies to AI too.

Access Control:

Is your content properly classified so that proper permissions can be applied?

Protecting who has access to content is critical. Your AI agents and content generation tools need to respect access control rules.


Can you provide an audit trail showing version history and updates (both AI and human) to support compliance and regulatory requirements?

This will be important to supporting human-in-the-loop processes to verify AI-generated content to support compliance and regulatory requirements.


Can you support Content as a Service, the ability to deliver sections of a content document, via API to other systems in the format required by that system?

Any vendor tool touting AI capabilities will need access to your proprietary content. API integration requires access to your proprietary content—it is crucial for a centralized content management strategy, enabling seamless sharing of proprietary content across platforms without creating content silos.


Is your content management solution flexible enough to support today’s process?

The right content management solution must adapt with your team as you adopt AI while supporting your future AI strategy.


Can you enforce content standards to support your AI strategy—who can read, create, edit, and delete content? Do you have a traceable review process?

The ability to track AI versus human-generated content and human verification is essential to a solid governance strategy.

Watch More Content isn’t the Answer: Using AI to Build New Strategic Capabilities webinar to explore the potential of embracing AI and machine learning (ML) to build new strategic capabilities in order to drive organizational agility, productivity, analytics and more.
> Watch now

Build for Adaptability

To be effective, AI-powered learning tech solutions will require access to your internal AI data sources (aka content). It is unlikely that each department or team will be able to afford its own AI and data specialists, so these functions will likely be centralized, however, individual teams should have the freedom to adopt technologies that meet their specific needs.

Managing content in an LCMS or CCMS will allow content teams to bridge this gap between centralized and decentralized groups. These platforms provide a separate content layer that support a centralized content strategy while allowing individual teams to design, develop, and deploy content while still providing AI, IT, and security teams centralized access and control.

different implementation points that lead to xyleme lcms

If you have an LCMS or CCMS already in place you are ahead of the competition. If not, luckily for you, there is still time if you act now to catch up. An LCMS and a CCMS will turn your content into AI rocket fuel. By separating your content from the user experience, you will be able to:

  • Use a centralized content repository to feed content to all your AI-powered solutions
  • Maintain a single source of truth for your content
  • Avoid additional maintenance and cost to manage and update content in multiple places
The power behind an LCMS or a CCMS is that it turns your content into code.  Content that is well structured and stored in a flexible machine-readable format (XML, JSON) can be easily transformed using XSLT turning your content into code. Powerful publishing engines transform content into many different formats while powerful APIs provide Content as a Service. This allows organizations to share content to many different platforms from one single source. In an AI world, these capabilities are critical to supporting your content AI-driven query and retrieval requests. 
Watch our webinar with ATD, Content Chaos Cripples AI: Level up Your Content IQ Now to explore how leaving content unstructured and inconsistent only causes further disorganization that cripples AI systems.
> Watch now

A Component Content Management System (CCMS) specialized for learning— otherwise known as a  Learning Content Management System (LCMS) fills these gaps provides the strong foundation to support your AI strategy.

Investing now in your content strategy will put you ahead of the competition later and provide a strong flexible foundation on which to build. A strong content strategy will amplify the impact of your AI investment. Unsure of what an LCMS is or what it can do for your organization? Visit our What is an LCMS page for more information.

xyleme lcms platform content optimization

Lots of Choices and No Clear Winners

If you’ve been to a technology trade show recently, you noticed AI was on every booth! Every vendor is investigating how to use AI to make their products better. However, it is still too early to identify which features will drive business and performance outcomes, and which won’t.

You need the flexibility to experiment, fail fast, and try again. As Dani Johnson at Red Thread Research points out “The learning methods that work for an organization will almost certainly change over time. Needs change. Workforce skills, preferences and characteristics change. The methods that work today may not work next week, next month or next year. That means finding the right mix of learning methods is never a one-and-done thing. It requires continual assessment and revision. This is a huge shift for many L&D functions from linear, waterfall approaches to iterative cycles of experimentation, trial and error.”

Separating your content from the applications it feeds will future proof your content by reducing the effort to switch to new platforms and take advantage of the latest AI driven capabilities.

One of the most time consuming and costly phases of any platform implementation is the content conversion. As Fosway Group points out in their Disruptive Insights series the learning tech ecosystem continues to expand into suites and specialists.


“The ability to share content to all your suites and specialized platforms will allow you to tailor your platform investments to specific audiences. However, to take advantage of these opportunities you need to build in the flexibility to switch between tools a foundational capability that is missing in most ecosystems.

Separating your content into its own content layer powered by a LCMS or CCMS will make it easier to switch between platforms, de-risks a costly part of your experimentation, and future proof your content investments.”

> read more from Fosway

Now is the Time to Invest in a Strong AI Foundation

Without strong content and data management, your technical debt and content chaos will continue to grow, and your team will end up spending even more time cleaning, maintaining, and managing content. This will erode your capacity to investigate and deliver on new AI powered ways to drive business learning and performance making it even harder to catch-up. Now, it the time to invest in a strong AI foundation.

Act now to prepare for your AI strategy. Don't wait for the dust to settle. Connect with our team to start building your foundation!


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