3 Reasons Why Our Customers Love Us

At Xyleme, we are committed to our customers. We know that their success is our success, and we continually strive to provide the best technology and services available.
Check out the top 3 reasons our customers rate Xyleme 5 Stars on the software review site G2.
1. Xyleme simplifies content authoring & maintenance, even at a global scale
"Xyleme has helped us better manage the content that we create. Not only are the authoring tools powerful, but the reuse is a great asset to any company."
-Regional Utilities Provider
“Xyleme is far more powerful, flexible and open than our previous authoring platform and sets us up to take advantage of features like content reuse which will be critical as our business continues to grow.”
-National Food & Beverage Retailer
“At its core, the XML based platform provides an extensive and customizable framework from which we can build a scalable authoring and publishing platform. Xyleme's cloud-based platform allows us to work as remote team of internal and external colleagues around the globe.... With a repeatable content model in place, we are currently authoring and publishing thousands of learning objects per year, each of which are discrete and reusable.”
2. Xyleme makes it easy to distribute content (& keep it in sync) wherever your audiences need it
“[With Xyleme,] we are able to simply support both print and web outputs for content that is delivered via a web-based mobile app, we've gained much more control over several features that we used to be dependent on our old vendor for, and we've reduced our content maintenance requirements.”
-National Food & Beverage Retailer
“The ability to distribute learning content anywhere we can insert a link has been a game changer."
-National Telecommunications Provider
“Prior to Xyleme our customers were navigating multiple systems to access help information, a user community and eLearning. We needed a solution that gave our customers a single platform where they could access everything they needed, but that also allowed for us to deliver content via their own LMS systems if needed. Xyleme has solved this problem for us by allowing us to embed our content into our Client Community seamlessly creating a one-stop-shop for our clients that also provided the data we need.”
-National Healthcare Technology Provider
3. Xyleme is committed to customer success & provides best-in-class customer support
“The partnership we have with Xyleme is excellent! They are responsive, attentive, and overall, want our business to succeed. In addition, they are always looking to improve their product for their clients. That includes the outputs, the tool used by authors, reporting, and more.”
-National Banking Association
“Xyleme's support and education resources are responsive and truly world-class.”
-National Professional Membership Association
“I really like that working with Xyleme isn't just purchasing software, they're a partner with us. Their team ultimately wants us to be successful in using their product. They also do a great job of listening to their customers. They take our feedback on things that would enhance the way that we use the product and many of those suggestions will be put in place.”
-Regional Utilities Provider
We’re proud to be the industry-leading provider of enterprise content management solutions, but we know that success goes far beyond technology.
Read Xyleme reviews on G2
That’s why we’ve also made significant investments in our award-winning Services & Support Teams — with team members based in both the US and EU — whose sole focus is driving maximum benefit for our customers. 

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