3 Mistakes to Avoid When Purchasing a New LXP or Adaptive Learning Platform

We talk to a lot of people who feel they aren’t maximizing the benefits of their LMS, LXP, adaptive learning platforms, and many other tools. During those conversations, typically what we find is that it’s not their platform that’s the issue — it’s their content.

Simply put, their content wasn’t designed for the experiences they are trying to create!

Three common mistakes to avoid when expanding your content management technology ecosystem:
  1. Relying on a one-size-fits-all content strategy.
    This won’t get the results you are hoping for. Read our article on the Building Block Method to learn how organizations can create flexible, reusable content components and easily configure and assemble them for any product, audience, role, or language that comes into play.
  2. Trying to personalize without standardizing.
    Our friend Val Swisher and the Content Rules team breaks down the concept of structured content authoring in a succinct way. In her webinar, The Personalization Paradox, Val discusses how to achieve true personalization at scale and how to avoid the common pitfalls most organizations face.
  3. Assuming your new tool or platform, such as an LXP, will solve all your content issues.
    Different tools and platforms have their place in the content ecosystem, but they may be just one of many endpoints. Only a central hub will allow you to syndicate content to many different locations — keeping it all in sync and up-to-date.

To position your organization for success in the face of ever-changing user expectations and emerging technology, it is essential to have the right tools and strategy in place. Today’s modern content ecosystem needs a modern content strategy driven by a next-generation Component Content Management System.

Interested in learning more about how you can turn your content into a competitive advantage? 
Contact us to speak with one of our content management consultants.

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